Frequently Asked Questions

Do Bunnies like being held?

Generally no, a bunny is never going to like being held, though they may tolerate it to some degree.

Do bunnies like being cuddled?

Bunnies do not like having their movement forcefully restricted. We recommend sitting or lying down on the ground/floor with your bun and letting them climb on you on the journey to developing a healthy cuddling relationship.

How many bunnies should I get?

We strongly recommend a pair of bunnies over getting one bunny, due to how social and playful bunnies are. Individuals who do purchase two buns from us have greater success with getting the buns acclimated more quickly. All of our bunnies available for sale live together, so they are already bonded from birth. That being said, single bunnies do just fine in house holds with lots of human company or another pet companion in the house.

Are bunnies friendly?

Absolutely! Bunnies are naturally human-friendly, curious, explorers. They will play with hair, shoes/shoelaces, pant and shirt cuffs, and most other fabrics of clothing.

Do bunnies like being pet?

They do enjoy making contact with the human hand, usually rubbing their faces and sides on it and sniffing to say hello, but will not stand around for repetitive petting naturally like a cat or dog. Each bunny will be different about petting. A little less hand movement is key here.

Do bunnies like treats?

Yes! Bunnies will eat treats right out of your hand after a little warming up to you. We recommend waiting a few months until your bunny’s digestive tract has matured before feeding anything but pellets.

Do I need to free roam my bunny?

Yes! Bunnies must be free-roamed to live happy, healthy, normal lives.

Can a bunny recognize its name?

Yes, most of our buns recognize their names before reaching a year old.

Will my bunny get along with my cat or dog?

While it is easy to get on social media and find cases of cat/bunny and dog/bunny companionship, it is an exception to the rule, as bunnies are prey animals and cats and dogs, while domesticated, are predators.

What is good weather for a bunny?

Bunnies do better in the cold than in the heat. We are in a medium-humid part of the South East, and get our buns out of the heat when temps get into the 80’s. With the cold, adult buns can do okay before freezing. I have gone out to the yards many a time when it was snowing to find the bunnies running about playing instead of being huddled under a heat lamp. Buns will also stay out in light rain, sometimes with no issue, and sometimes to their detriment, so make sure when the rain picks up to get them to shelter if they do not naturally take cover.

Should I ever bathe my bunny?

No, never bathe a bunny. Never put a bunny under running water. If you ever need to cleanse your bun, use a warm washcloth with soap and water if a fine comb will not do the job.

Will my bunny escape?

Bunnies can jump up to 4 ft, climb slanted surfaces, dig exceptionally well, and run 25mph + in the wild, with domestic buns running a little slower. It is likely your bunny will try to escape. Dig proofing can be done with large rocks and cuts of wood, dig proof fencing that penetrates the ground, and by burying regular wire horizontally in the ground and attaching in to vertical fencing.

Are Predators a danger to my bunny?

Yes, foxes, birds of prey, raccoons, groundhogs, coyotes, and any other predator local to your area are a danger to your bunny. Please use strong building materials with the mindset of keeping animals much larger than a bunny out. Even if your bun does not seem to want to dig out, a fox will happily dig in and take your bunny. If you think you do not have foxes or stray cats in the area, you will find out you do very quickly after purchasing a bunny if you keep it outside.

What building materials should I use?

The list of possible materials would be too long, but stay away from chicken wire, as it is not fox proof, as well as smaller u-nails and fence staples. A thick gauge of hardwire cloth is superior to chicken wire. 2x4 inch rabbit guard is going to be too large to keep in most bunnies, and a predator can reach in and pull a bun through the wire.